Cardio Exercises Blog

What cardio exercise mean?

Cardio is a fitness slang used for cardiovascular activity, which is indeed one of the most significant types of physical activity to take part in to. In order to maintain health, it is highly suggested to take part in at least 30 minutes of a cardio activity that ranges from moderate to high intensity cardio activities at least 3 days of a week.

There are different types of cardio activities, you can mix and match these different workouts and get maximum benefits for you.


Broader definition: In a broader sense, the American College of Sports Medicine, cardio is an exercise that enhances the heart rate as well as respiration by using larger muscle groups in a rhythmic and repetitive manner.  

The word “cardio” or “heart” provides the hint that why this exercise is important. With the help of proper training your most significant life support network i.e. cardio can be improved in functionality as well as performance of the lungs, heart, and circulatory system.

High impact cardio workout: When we talk about the high impact cardio workout then these still include running and jogging. They attract the larger number of people who are enthusiastic towards exercise. These high impact cardio exercises include jumping the rope, certain advanced strength training as well as high impact aerobic dance activities.

These kinds of cardio programs include the weight bearing which simply means that you will bear your own body weight by having your limbs against the gravity.

Low impact cardio workout: This low impact cardio workout can be defined as an aerobic activity in which one foot remains on the ground all the time. By low impact activity does not mean that it has lower intensity. It is also a weight bearing activity and maintains healthy bones in addition to the proper working of the lungs and heart. Hiking, walking, and low impact aerobic are known to be most common types of these workouts.

No impact cardio workouts: When you are in the water, it reduces the gravitational pull on your body therefore cardio in water has no impact. Water aerobics and swimming increases the rate of heart beat and burns the calories effectively.  Bicycling is also a no impact workout.

Athletics: Certain sports are also considered to be cardio workouts, such as basketball and soccer etc. Other sports like standard volley ball and doubles tennis includes larger percentage of downtime where there is either no aerobic activity or lesser one.